The Art Of Holistic Productivity

How Men Can Harmonize Their Clarity, Health, and Wealth.

read time | 4 minutes

👋 Hey friend,

Say goodbye to burnout

↳ and hello to clarity and fulfillment.

Have you heard of Holistic Productivity?

You'll love this if you like clarity, health, and wealth.

It’s an integrative approach that covers all aspects of life, like physical, mental, and emotional health. It helps you to create a balanced framework for success rather than obsessing over outputs.

Practicing holistic productivity means more than just finishing tasks. It aligns what you do every day with what matters most to you, leading to a clearer mind, better health, and more money.

Unfortunately, many men don't know holistic productivity exists. They aren’t even holistic or productive. That puts you at a disadvantage in this chaotic world of distractions.

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The Overwhelm Epidemic

80% of men feel overwhelmed by their daily responsibilities. Working dads and busy entrepreneurs are especially high risk.

Why this is bad news:

  • decreased productivity

  • physical health problems

  • destruction of relationships

  • numbing with alcohol or drugs

  • mental health problems like anxiety

I’ve felt stressed and burnt out for years.

The overwhelming feeling led me to anxiety and addiction. I would try to push harder and hustle, only to sink further into destructive behavior patterns. This results in isolation and uncertainty about your personal and professional life.

Pain dominated my life for 22 years, but my desire to experience pleasure led me to holistic productivity.

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Beyond Traditional Productivity

Holistic: It's about seeing everything as a whole, where every part is connected to the others, and not seeing things as separate or alone.

Productivity: It’s how effectively you accomplish tasks or goals, usually measured by how much you can do in a certain amount of time.

Unlike typical productivity tips, aligning your actions with your core values can transform not just your to do list but your life.

There’s a dichotomy to everything in life. You can take productivity too far. Toxic productivity is the hustle culture. I used to overwork myself all the time. Until I found a different way.

Holistic productivity is an integrated way of life and work.

  • Daily actions align with personal values and goals

  • Complete tasks efficiently and to a high standard

  • Improved mental health for a more satisfying life

  • Focus and thinking become clearer

  • Live a balanced and rewarding life

  • Better physical health is achieved

Develop self awareness.

Focus on where your weaknesses are and commit to strengthening them. Self discipline is a practice, like anything else, and will improve over time. Holistic productivity helps you grow as a man when you train your mind and body in harmony.

Make it a priority to find balance in your life and work.

Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.

Robin Sharma

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Envisioning a Balanced Life

Imagine a life where productivity and feeling good work in unison, leading to success and happiness.

  • Buy back time

  • Make more money

  • Feel energized and vibrant

  • Experience calm and tranquility

  • Experience a deep sense of fulfillment

  • Inspire others with your effortless example

  • Reclaim time for joy and personal passions

  • Achieve more while feeling relaxed and at peace

You might be wondering how you can get started.

There are a few ways you can do that. Watch the companion video to this Letter on my YouTube channel, read my recommended books below, or reply to this email and ask me anything. I’m here to help you tailor a solution.

First, you must believe you can.

Think, believe, achieve.

Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life.

Robert F. Bennett

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Quick Start Guide

Holistic productivity is personal, but there are some cosmopolitan applications. I’ll share more details in future Letters and videos, but for now, here are 10 quick ideas for practicing holistic productivity today.

  1. Start your day with meditation to improve focus and reduce stress.

  2. Front load the energy producing habits into your morning routine. This helps prime your body and mind for high performance.

  3. Organize tasks based on their alignment with your personal values and goals. Prioritize to optimize.

  4. Practice mindfulness throughout the day to stay present and avoid distractions. Set yourself up for success by activating Airplane Mode, installing site blockers, etc.

  5. Sit up straight when working at your desk and listen to music that facilitates a flow state. I recommend Brain FM.

  6. Integrate short breaks into your workday every hour to enhance overall health and boost energy levels. This is an opportunity to rest your mind or move your body. I recommend bouncing on a Bellicon rebounder.

  7. Eat a nutritious diet of wholesome foods. And remember to drink more (higher quality) water.

  8. Say no to people and things that aren’t advancing your personal or professional goals.

  9. Save energy-depleting tasks for the end of your workday. This helps preserve your mental and physical resources for high-performance tasks during peak productivity hours.

  10. Wind down before bed to get enough sleep.

Your Holistic Ecosystem

Let’s bring it home now 🛬

Holistic Productivity promotes a more balanced and fulfilling approach to work and life. It's not just about getting tasks done, but aligning daily actions with personal values and goals.

Here’s everything in a nutshell:

  • HP boosts health and happiness.

  • HP builds a balanced path to success.

  • HP beats overwhelm and makes work enjoyable.

  • HP promotes self awareness and self improvement

  • 80% of men feel overwhelmed, affecting productivity and health.

  • Identify what’s essential in your life and align your actions with your ambitions.

  • Envision success and happiness through productivity and wellness.

Think you're too busy for this?

Give it a shot. What do you have to lose?

If you don't feel a shift towards more meaningful productivity, you'll have gained valuable insights about what doesn't work for you.

What about holistic productivity do you find most challenging and why?

Hit reply and let me know what you found most helpful this week.

I’d love to hear from you!

See you next Wednesday,


PS: Check out the books below to learn more about how holistic productivity can change your life ↓

PPS: If you want help and inspiration to curb an addiction, I’ve got a free 5 day mini course that walks you through the steps I took to get sober and start living a good life.

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💜 Content I’m lovin’

  • Feel Good Productivity The secret to productivity isn’t discipline. It’s joy. Ali Abdaal's new book is about doing more of what matters to you.

  • Slow Productivity Do Fewer Things. Work at a Natural Pace. Obsess over Quality. I’m reading this book now. It’s the latest from Cal Newport.

  • Rich Roll podcast Watch this interview with Cal Newport, author of Slow Productivity, about integrating a holistic approach to work and life.

📲 app of the week

This unlocks the full brightness of your MacBook Pro. Twice as bright as before. Now you can see your screen during the day. Even outside. Finally.

When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

  1. Give your personal brand the Whipple Sizzle. Are you building an online business? Do you struggle to find the right words when writing? I’m a full stack ghostwriter for creators and coaches in the health and fitness space.

  2. Sign up for my FREE mini course. It’s a 5-Day Accelerator for Men to Beat Alcohol Addiction and Build Habits for Unstoppable Sobriety (Even if You’ve Tried and Failed a Dozen Times.)

  3. Solo Sober Coaching. Contact me directly to schedule a 30 minute discovery call. (or just reply to this email)