Sobriety is an underrated superpower

My story will help you change your life (and change the world).

read time | 3 minutes

👋 Hey friend,

The 4 most valuable skills men can have:

◉ overcome any addiction

◉ delay instant gratification

◉ focus on what’s essential

◉ align action with ambition

I spent 22 years struggling to get my act together and develop these skills.

This newsletter is the result of all my experience and learning. Each ‘Letter’ will highlight my processes and frameworks that’ll help you save years.

The point is to transform pain into pleasure.

Are you in? Let’s do this!

My (super quick) Backstory

I was born into poverty, pain, and addiction.

That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I grew up in a big family, and there just wasn’t a whole lotta resources and love. No dis, ma, but with divorced parents, unhealthy food, and poor choices, the lower class life was a handicap. I’m grateful for all of it because those experiences made me the man I am today.

Despite all the good times, I had a hard road ahead.

🍭 sugar addiction from the get

🚬 started smoking at just 11

🍹 got turnt on alcohol by 20

We grew up in the (once great) city of Portland Oregon.

I’ve always loved being in nature and riding bikes. Then I started dating at 20, which led to a 10 year romp. I hitchhiked around the US of A and worked more shitty jobs than you can imagine.

It was an adventure, but I was suffering inside.

Overcoming Addiction & Becoming A Man

The time to get my act together arrived.

It’s a miracle I survived those escapades without disease, injury, or unwanted children. After being with Tracy (my wife) for 7 years, we had a kid. Miles was born in 2023 and I knew this was going to change the game for me.

I decided to get sober and quit smoking.

But why now?

🥇 to be the best role model for my son

🫃 exhausted from feelin like a tired old man

🦸‍♂️ couldn’t resist the call to destiny to help you

Yes that’s right, I was called to help YOU.

As a kid, I loved to read and wanted to be a writer. But I forgot about that dream until getting sober last year. Now that I have the clarity, energy, and purpose, I can step into my role as a father and mentor to other men like you.

Imposter syndrome is a bitch, but I beat the shit out of it.

Why You Should Slay Sobriety

I’m a staunch supporter of the sober life.

I’ve enjoyed sobriety for one year and swear by its life changing effects. If you’re struggling with addiction and suffering from isolation, you’re in the right place. This newsletter is your go-to resource for connection, and I’m your guide.

There are just 3 things you need to succeed.

→ simple habits to support a healthy lifestyle

→ inspiration and accountability to stay sober

→ creative pursuits to give you clarity and purpose

I want to introduce you to holistic productivity.

This is the key to unlocking your best life ever. It’s a lifestyle practice that will bring you balance and beauty in your body, mind, and spirit. Your life depends on doing the right thing instead of resisting. Your family and friends need you to show up.

Now is the time to stop striving and start arriving.

(more on holistic productivity in the next Letter)

What’s In It For You & What’s Next?

Time is one of the most valuable resources.

But even more than time is energy. We need to learn how to manage our energy. When we regain control of these resources, we regain our lives. And that’s what I’m here to help you with.

Here’s how that’s going to look in any given Letter:

  • cool podcasts

  • articles I’m lovin

  • personal stories

  • daily discoveries

  • easy mindset shifts

  • practical health tips

  • book recommendations

  • helpful tools and software

  • good music I’m listening to

Oh, and my YouTube channel, of course.

I make weekly videos for men like you about slaying the sober lifestyle, winning with holistic productivity, and finding a healthy balance by focusing on what’s essential. I strongly suggest you subscribe over there to see the Whipple Sizzle 🍟

If that all sounds good to you, then stay tuned.

Reply to this email if you have any questions.

Share this with a friend if you find it worthy.

Be well,
